
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Real Life Post.

Happy Tuesday Evening!  Although, when you read this it will be Wednesday morning.. so Happy Hump Day.  

I am writing from bed this evening, but before I started, I was distracted a bit.

Side Bar 

You see, I walk into my room and blindly hit the power button on the TV and went about getting things organized.  Still not having looked at the television I am hearing this breathing coming from it. Breathy-breathing that makes me think I have caught a "moment" on Game of Thrones or that someone was about to power lift a weight that will win gold at the Olympics.  I turn to look and it was bowling.  IT WAS BOWLING PEOPLE! Now I am not one to criticize someones sport, but you guys, does one really have to huff and puff that much to release a ball?  Clearly, I am in awe.  And don't bowl.

Resolution, schmezolution.  amirite?

But anyway.  I am watching Biggest Loser.  You know the show, yeah we all do. The one where the contestants all start out at around 300 (plus or minus a few) and work out like effin maniacs and get down to pretty hot shape.  It's a good time. That is until they get down to my weight and then the party stops rockin.  Not because they are reaching their goals, but because I am not. At this point in the show I either

a. stop watching or
2. get depressed

However tonight it got me thinking.  Here we are almost five months into the New Year.  Five months since a lot of us, including myself, resolved to make major changes in our life.  

So how's that going for ya?


Let me explain, I myself had visions of, at this point, rocking some super trendy skinny jeans, perhaps orange in color, or looking hot bikini skiing like one does on The Bachelor.  

Well, hot in a bikini at least.  And while I have done good with the baby weight loss, I am no where near looking like those bioches that keep getting pinned on Pinterest in boards called "THIS IS ME IN MY DREAMS"

I start to think about this, about my lack of progress and when I really get honest with myself, bleh, it comes down to me being lazy.  I eat the way I know works for me.  While it can get stricter and cleaner, I am not training so I am not going there.  I have a happy middle working right now.  The problem is my lack of physical movement, ie.. workouts.  read: LAZY 

This goes farther than weight goals though.  I am sometimes awoken (?) during the night for a slew of reasons... the baby cries, a fire truck goes by, the hubbs snoring, the dogs licking (the. most. ANNOYING. SOUND.) and no joke, last night a bird singing.  You know the old school car alarms that blast of rounds of about five different sounds, beepbeepbeep, booopbooopboop, eeeyoooeeeyoooeeeyooo, eeeechheeeeechheeeech.  Well this bird was doing the bird version of that.  AT 3:15 IN THE MORNING.  I know, I digressed again.

So right, I am a super light sleeper.  And this is the time I think.  And when all my regrets of the day hit me hardest.  Why didn't I do my workout, why didn't I put on my moisturizer, why didn't I finish my work... The other night as I lay there I came to a conclusion:

I will no longer give myself any regrets.

Easier said than done.

But at least it gives me a fresh goal.  Sometimes we all need to yell, "Wait!  I effed up and declare a do over!!" And that is what I did.

Everyone needs a support system

I am not one to ask for help.  I am also not one that responds well to nagging.  It may sound a bit like this:

HUBBS: Are you supposed to be eating that?
ME: It's a brownie, so I'm gonna go with no on this one.

Not real effective.  Unless maybe it was Gosling nagging me.  That might work. 

So maybe I don't ask because I don't want to be nagged after.  Or maybe I feel it is easier to just do it myself. But clearly, it is not.  Whodathunkit. Well all can use the support of the loved ones around us.  

Some advice, if you are failing at your goals because of time issues, ASK FOR HELP.  If you are failing because you don't know what you are doing, ASK FOR HELP.  

If you are failing because you are lazy? GET OFF YOUR ASS.  

That last one was for me.  Well, they all were for me, but that last one with the rude tone, that was definitely for me. 

And anyone else that needs a kick in the pants.

Because what it basically boils down to, is I KNOW what I am supposed to be doing.  To be fit, I know I need to work out.  To be a successful business owner, I know I need to get the job done right and on time.  To not look like I am 75, put on moisturizer and drink my water.  I KNOW THIS.  It is time for me to put on my big girl panties and do what I am supposed to do.  


So tell me, are you doing your best?  Are you needing to improve?  Take your re-do!  

image sources: and google

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