
Monday, April 30, 2012

Milo and the Peach.

Y'all.  I have so many shows to watch.  The DVR is about to explode.  At the same time I also have photos to edit, business blogs to post, recipes to try out, a house to clean and oh yeah, two Misters to play with.  And I am also trying to get a few lose ends tied up, scratch a those last stragglers off my many lists. Like order a mouse pad.  Random, but still needs to be done.

We did manage to find the time to feed our children today.  Just kidding. We feed them everyday.  Mister Milo is getting some fancy new teeth and is enjoying some big boy food with them.  Today we tried out some peaches.

Before I start, the regular comment on my bebe's are how they are always nakey.  I am always baffled by this.  My reaction is usually a long blink and a slight cock to my head while I think "Well, yes. Yes they are.  DO YOU EVEN HAVE KIDS?"  And they usually do.  So my next thought is. "Well, Sht, how do you keep them dry?"  Ya see, my kids are drool buckets.   I wasn't lying about Milo's fancy new choppers.  He busted out all four top ones in one day and that, my friends, produces a lot of drool.  And drool, just incase yours don't, comes out of the mouth, down the chin and soaks a top straight through.  Leaving my child wet and I would think, cold.  So we just don't wear clothes.  Simple.  Onward.

Hello Little Milo.

Have a peach!



This isn't really working for me.

What the heck, anyways?

yup, no.

Pass.  Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I'm laughing so hard, my stomach hurts!!!!!!
