
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Max!


You are two.  You laugh with your soul.  You love with your whole heart. Your eyes sparkle with wonder and joy. You chase bugs and race cars. You run fast, you dance like a fool.  You sing off key. You give kisses and say 'i love you'.  You point out every airplane and bird and truck and dog. You know the sound everything makes and make it yourself. You wrestle with your daddy, eskimo kiss your mommy and your brother is your best friend.  You take care of your stuffed animals and make sure they are fed. You love a good pillow, a good blanket even more. You make us laugh daily. You make us smile hourly. You make us wonder how it is possible to love so much.  You are little, you are innocent, you are sweet and silly.  You are perfect.  You are ours.

Happy Birthday Mister Max!  The world is yours.


  1. Love this post! Happy Birthday Max! Hope your day is terrific and filled with everyone and everything you love!

  2. This post brings tears to my eyes everytime I read it.
    It is so beautiful, so Max!
    I love you and Happy Birthday, Dear Max
