
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Adventures in Potty Training. {part 1}

Oh Hello.  Hi.  I hope everyone is having a lovely Thursday.  Ours is good.  We are working on some things.  What sort of things?  Well Potty Training is on the list.

But before I start, our "potty" is officially called the "tiny toilet".  And here is why.

Bahaha!!  gets me every time.  "ohh a tiny toilet for a little tiny baby..."  Just makes me giggle.  And tiny toilet it is.

Ahhhh, so potty training.  I know, I know, I hear you.. 'Wait whoa, WHOA, WHOOOOA! Potty Training?  He isn't even two!"  I get this.  But we are just INTRODUCING him to the tiny toilet.  First time he sat on it he screamed bloody murder.  We have since progressed and are now friends with the tiny toilet.  And I am convinced, absolutelyconvinced, that if he just does some business in it, he will realize what it is for and get the point of it all in no time.  I know this because my child is smart.  Smarter than yours.  (just kidding) (sort of)

Aaaaand we begin!

I know how guys are with all their reading and odd happenings that need to go on for them to go to the bathroom *eyeroll* so I make the area nice and relaxing for him.

Some reading material, a nice beverage and some supplies just in case.  I even had some tunes playing for him.  THE perfect setting.

We sit for a bit.

We check things out.

We sit some more.  And get bored. The wheels are already turning.

The door, it must be closed. The door must be closed!


Now open!

Poor thing, got his momma's thighs.  

But wait a minute, things are out there.


Ok, we are back.   Whew.

Not so fast though.  Teeth.  WE MUST BRUSH OUR TEETH

 ok. NOW back to the business at hand.

But the darn DOOR!!

you can peeeeek out of this crack! it is So.Fun.

Realizing perhaps that mom isn't going anywhere until something happens, bebe tries to focus again, inspecting the equipment, making sure it is all right for his big moment.

Its up to par, so we try to relax a bit.

Perhaps a drinky drink will get things flowing.

Nothing.  We checked.  Closely.

It seems today is not our day.  But we have not given up!  Until next time...



  1. OMG!!!! I love it! This captures it perfectly!

  2. I was cracking up on each and every picture and caption! we are currently going through the potty intro as well. Well, a looooong intro!

    Liam has the potty seat that you put on the toilet, but I'm not sure he likes it much. He can't get on and off himself, so I'm thinking of a little one like yours.

    We've watched the Elmo potty video a few times and lemmie tell ya-it's hilarious.

    We miss you on RW Kel! When are you going to check in??? xoxo
