
Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer Reads {add them to your list}

I read.  A lot.

I read.  In spurts.

The summer brings it out of me.  A rainy day gets a spurt going.  A cold day by the fire can also set it off.  Or it could be something as simple as nothing is on tv.  Whatever the reason, I get in a reading frenzy where I read and read and read.  Then stop.  Sometimes in the middle of a book, finishing it months later or never.

I am currently in a frenzy.  Here is what has taken over my lazy days of summer.

1. The Confession - John Grisham.  I am an avid reader of John G.  I have read just about everything of his and I feel like it has been awhile since I got lost in one of his books.  So when I saw this one I quickly grabbed it up.  It is typical John Grisham, and that is not a bad thing.  Not at all.

2. The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein.  If you are a dog lover, you relate immediately.  Told in the dogs point of view and exactly how I think a dogs mind works.  Very good story.

3. Heaven is for Real - Todd Burpo.  I have heard of this book for awhile now.  Mumblings about this kid who has been to Heaven.  I find the subject fascinating and wanted to see what the hoopla was about.  It is interesting, but ALMOST too literal.  It is like the dad (the author) took verses out of the bible and then made a story about how his kid was there and saw it all.  I found myself saying "I don't know about that" But if you choose to believe, and I do, it is  an eye opener.  I can do without the chapters being titled though, it gives away the whole chapter.  Super quick read.

I do recommend another book about someone experiencing Heaven. 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper.  Better written and a better story.   And for some reason more believable.  

4. The Lincoln Lawyer - Michael Connelly.   This is a movie I am wanting to see.  And a book I was wanting to read.  I cannot read a book if I have already seen the movie.  Because then the movies characters and scenes are stuck in my head and the book doesn't come alive in my own way in my mind.    So book first. Plus I want to read Connelly's other books about the Lincoln Lawyer.   This book is VERY good.  I flew through it and didn't want it to end.

5. The Alchemyst {The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel} - Michael Scott.  My current read. This is the first book in a five (so far) book series, the fifth just came out.  They are all best sellers and I predict movies are in the works so I had to get-a-readin.   I am about halfway through and it is entertaining.  Revolving around magic it is scratching a Harry Potter itch.  It is Teen Lit and geared toward the younger teen, so not the most compelling of books but not horrible and I am wanting to find out what is next and definitely will continue on to the rest of the books in the series.

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