Hello everyone and Happy Wednesday!
A bit of celebrity chat to start the day, perhaps? Sure why not! By now we have all heard the news that the very preggo Jessica Simpson FINALLY gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Congratulations, Jessica! Now can we discuss your choice of names?
If you follow me on Facebook or The Twittaaaa (if you think I'm a chronic Facebook poster, don't follow me on Twitter. Oh by the way.) you saw my annoyance, well more disbelief..awe..wtf???..with the name Maxwell Drew for her sweet prince. I mean princess. You guys!! Let's get real here! They totally made her a Quarterback! I'm pretty certain I know exactly what happened. Dad had dreams of a boy and while he didn't get said boy, he still won the name battle because, and we all know it, J Simps is a loon. Absolutely beautiful and sweet, but a loon. I completely understand wanting to use a meaningful family name and such, but could we have not paired Maxwell with, oh I dunno, Sarah.. Elizabeth... Jessica... Brittany... Alice or just about ANY OTHER female name besides Drew? Or oh hey, use it as a middle name! Or here's another thought, save it for when you have a boy.
Now I know I am getting some eyebrows raised at me asking "Now Kelley, you sound bitter that she is using the name Maxwell because your son is named that?" Not at all! First off, Max is not the only Max out there, obvs, and second, Max is just Max. Not Maxwell, Maximillion, Maximus, Max Headroom.. Just Max. Or Mad Max as the EMT named him before birth. Or Big Max because lezbehonest, he is not small. Or in our house, Mister Max. Which became just Mister. Which then became Mitter. Which then became Mitter Mitter. Don't ask. It just happened.
And yes, Milo was going to be Benny if he was a girl, but I was going to use my above logic of having paired with a very feminine middle name, so shut it. It is my blog anyways. I can write what I want. I just wanted you to know I can hear your eyebrows raising. I can HEAR them.
Back to the issue of social media. Yes, I do in fact post a lot. I was asked "Why do you post so much, are you a loser?" Ok, they didn't ask the second part but I know they were thinking it. So no I am not a loser but here is the deal. I am home. All day. With two boys under two. Sitting in front of my computer. Working. Don't get me wrong, working from home is fantastic. Honestly I am blessed to do what I love and still be able to take care of my babies, play with them, raise them and watch them grow. But as lucky as I am to have a job that allows this, editing pictures isn't exactly mind stimulating so it tends to wander. And all those random thoughts pop in my head and when that happens I like to write them down or voice them. And voicing them to a two year old goes a little like, Hey Max did you hear what Jessica named her baby girl? and he is all PooPoo? and I am all, No Not PooPoo. But she might as well have. And he is all Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle and yells and runs out of the room. Leaving me to post my random thoughts on wherever I so choose and continue about my work.
There is actually a point to today's Blogginess and it is not because Twitter limits my thoughts to 150 characters. I have a lovely refreshing drink for you guys! Summer is in our sights and it is getting on the warm side of things here. It is also still strawberry season so I am finding things to do with all these berries. This is a drink for the kiddies, but will be just as yummy with some vodka thrown in the mix to make it a fun adult beverage to have after a day at the beach while sitting outside and grilling.
I love all things about that last sentence.
This is pretty basic.
You take a cup of sugar and a cup of water, put them both in a sauce pan over medium heat stirring until the sugar is disolved.
Let us all take a moment to admire my mad photography skillz in this above pic. Amen.
This is now your simple syrup. Set aside to cool.
Take 6-8 lemons and squeeze the crap out of them till you get 1 cup of juice. Pour juice in pitcher.

Take a pint of fresh strawberries, cut off the tops, throw them in the blender and puree.
If you are at my house this become the: One for Max, One for the Blender game, so make sure you have plenty.
Pour puree into your pitcher with the lemon juice.
Add your cooled simple syrup and about 6 cups of cold water.
You make everything look sooooo good!